Here’s to 30 ✨

Earlier this month I celebrated my 30th birthday, and it was honestly one of the best experiences. Being able to spend it with my family and close friends was all I could have asked for. Not only did I get that, but I got to have a weekend of fun going out and eating good food.

I have come to look at birthdays as our own little New Year’s Day. The chance to reflect, express gratitude, dream, and align with who we are becoming. There’s beauty in realizing how far you’ve come and accepting where you are now.

That has honestly been my lesson for summer 2023. You may have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post in a while, so I want to dive into why that is, how things are shifting, and what this means for my business.

First off let me start off by saying hardly anything went as planned this summer, but looking back I appreciate the shift. After my daughters left to spend the summer with their grandparents, my goal was to dive deep into work for my business, finish up a few projects I needed time to work on and launch a new resource.

None of that happened.

The deep work that I knew was needed had nothing to do with my business. It was actually inner work that had been happening slowly over the past few years. It was uncomfortable and even a little chaotic. You see, I had a problem with being still, being present, taking time for myself, and really resting.

So instead of diving deep into business work, I dove deep into inner work that needed to happen in order for me to gain clarity and make some big decisions. The timing was perfect because this was all happening as my 30th birthday approached. Not only did my daughters get a summer break, but this mama did too. 🙌🏽

I spent my days resting, working out, journaling, growing closer to God, reading, and going on the road with my husband on and off. Y’all it was beautiful having a light workload, and really being able to embody something that I talk a lot about on Instagram, extending yourself grace, being present, and taking a step back to gain clarity.

I definitely felt a lot of mom guilt around my daughters being gone for a few weeks. After all, since moving to Florida two years ago they have always been with my husband and me. I had to extend myself grace and express gratitude for our loving family who want to make memories with our daughters. I also had to acknowledge that our daughters are their own individuals writing their own stories, and that comes with making memories with other loved ones too.

Talk about a revelation! Not to mention the fact that I have the sweetest children. The day they left with their Grandma, they shared that I “needed time alone and to spend with daddy.” I’m so grateful that I get to raise conscious children.

Taking the time to reflect and appreciate where you are now is so important.

During some quiet time, I realized that when my daughters were in preschool I prayed to be able to take the summers off to spend time with them and take some time for myself. Three years later I’m actually doing that! I went from being upset with myself about not getting as much work done to realizing I’m right where I once prayed to be.

Summer break also gave me a ton of clarity about my business, my professional goals, and my goals. It’s amazing what taking a step back can do. This is oftentimes really scary because we get so caught up in the things we think we need to be doing. I’ll be honest, being a full-time entrepreneur, I was really nervous about not launching anything and not accepting new clients. But I’m glad I didn’t force it because taking on work that could wait would have caused me to miss out on the personal growth that was so desperately needed.

I’m going to be honest, I had to pray A LOT, because I started to feel disconnected from my business and I wasn’t even sure what to do. Y’all, your girl had even started to apply for jobs. But this taught me something else about myself, when things get hard I tend to try to shift courses. Once I realized this, I realized how I had been self-sabotaging on and off through the years.

I learned that I needed to stick to the course and eventually the answer will present itself. I think this goes back to my problem with being still and present. Please tell me I’m not the only one!

Not only did the answers present themselves, but new opportunities that I have dreamed about presented themselves. You can’t tell me that there isn’t power in taking a step back, trusting, and having faith.

This doesn’t change much about my business from an experience standpoint, but there are definitely a lot of shifts that are happening behind the scenes in order to better serve you, give value, and teach you how to build a profitable brand that actually supports your lifestyle and the lifestyle you want to live.

Summer break has come to an end, but when I tell y’all that I am so excited about my current projects and what’s to come. Words can’t express it.

I decided that I will be shifting away from my business HelloBriana Consulting. Over the last six and a half years I have been able to do things I could have never imagined because of this business. Now this doesn’t mean I won’t be offering services, just in a different capacity. I will still be offering coaching and consulting services (more details on that coming soon), and I am in the process of launching my own virtual branding and marketing agency to handle the done-for-you projects we’ve supported clients with for years. These are both types of services I have offered under HelloBriana Consulting, so now that we have niched down more it was necessary that we create a new brand. My actual website won’t be changing, so blog content will always be here, but a new website is in the works and there will be a new domain soon.

I am also making a huge shift in my professional life that I can’t wait to share more about. New opportunities that presented themself are allowing me to step into a new role, expand how I support my clients, gain immense knowledge, and create new avenues for me to offer support. I’m just grateful because everything that I have been praying about is happening.

I don’t say this to brag but hopefully inspire you to take action or keep going. It’s hard when you’re giving things all you’ve got and nothing seems to be changing. Hang in there, change is right around the corner. When you want to give up, stay rooted in the fact that good things come to those who wait and appreciate and accept where you are now.

I hope this post inspires you to take a step back, explore your goals and desires, and do the inner work that is going to catapult you to the next level.


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