Understanding the Three Seasons of Business: A Guide for Budding Entrepreneurs

As a business owner, it can be challenging to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. One moment, you're riding high on the successes of your business, and the next, you're feeling unsure and insecure about your future. But what if I told you that these ebbs and flows are all part of the natural seasons of business?

I’ll never forget a few years ago when quite a few projects were coming to an end and I didn’t have any upcoming launches. I remember freaking out and complaining to my husband and mom about how business was slow. I felt like I was failing and doing something wrong. I had gotten so used to the consistent income months that I didn’t plan for the slower months nor did I see them coming. Although I could have, had I really taken a moment to look at things. Hello, new entrepreneur rookie moves. 😅

It was my husband and mom that pointed out that this was actually normal for my business. In fact, it has happened around the same time during previous years, but I got so close working in my business that I wasn’t looking at things from a birdseye view like a business owner should. This brought me a lot of peace, and made me realize that I could do one of two things: 

  1. I could shift launch and marketing campaigns, or create offers to launch during those slow seasons. 

  2. Or I could use those slower months to make intentional changes in my business to further serve my clients and create the brand experience that I dream of. 

I decided to go with option number two. I now embrace the slower months because they allow me to recuperate, rest, and make intentional changes in my business.

A few weeks ago, I did a live and shared a social media post about recognizing the three seasons of business: Belated, Budding, and Blooming on my Instagram page. 

Today, we want to dive deeper into these seasons and explain what they mean for you as a budding business owner.

Belated Season: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The Belated Season is typically the "slower" season of your business. It happens when you decide to make a shift in your business and actually go for it. You're figuring things out, and although things aren't where you want them to be, you're confident that with this shift, you're on your way to building your dream business. This season is all about planting the seeds for your future success.

This is a great time to revisit systems, strategies, and your overall client experience. Once you review things, you’ll want to outline any necessary changes that need to be made, and get them on your calendar to get them done. You’ll want to get as much as possible done before the next season begins, because once the leads and clients start rolling in, you won’t have as much time to make the changes that are needed. 

Budding Season: Building Momentum and Taking Action

In your Budding Season, things are picking up. Your confidence is building, clarity is coming, and you're taking action. Although things are slowly picking up, you understand that the seeds you're planting now will set your business up for growth in the long run. This season is all about building momentum and taking consistent action towards your goals.

Now that the necessary changes have been made on the backend, you’ll start showcasing some of the changes happening in your business. This will look like getting those new marketing strategies rolling, expanding your visbilitiy, building your community, and more.

Blooming Season: Reaping the Fruits of Your Labor

In your Blooming Season, the seeds you planted and nurtured are starting to bloom! Your hard work is paying off, and you're starting to see the fruits of your labor. This season is all about enjoying the rewards of your efforts and setting yourself up for continued success.

This can look like successful launches, consistent income, new opportunities, new growth in your business, and more! 

It's important to note that these seasons can be experienced in any order and for any length of time. 

Your business journey is unique, and it's essential to recognize that your path to success may look different from someone else's. But by understanding these seasons and what they mean for your business, you can navigate the highs and lows of entrepreneurship with more ease and confidence.

So, whether you're in a Belated Season, a Budding Season, or a Blooming Season, keep pushing forward towards your goals. Remember that slow and steady wins the race, and your hard work will pay off in the end.


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