3 Concepts I Wish I Would’ve Embodied Earlier In Business

Do you feel like you're not making the impact you desire in your business, despite all your hard work? Do you find yourself struggling to stay aligned with your business goals? Many women in business experience similar challenges and thoughts, so know, that you aren’t alone. 

In fact, I have found myself feeling this way more than once during my entrepreneurial journey. Let's talk about some things that I've learned through experience. 

When I first started my business six years ago, I was a different person. I thought I knew everything, I wasn't patient, and I thought growing a successful business couldn't be that hard. 

Boy, was I wrong!

Looking back, there are a few things I wish I had done sooner in my business that would have helped me get to where I am now much faster. I want to share those with you, so hopefully, it doesn’t take you nearly as long.

First of all, I wish I had focused on creating a signature offer instead of trying to create every little offer I could think of. 

Refining what you already have is powerful and will make your business more effective in the long run. Having a signature offer for my agency and consulting business allowed me to create my own unique framework and it helped me refine the way I  teach my clients.

It can be tempting to create as many offers as possible in order to appeal to a wide range of clients. However, this approach can actually be counterproductive. Instead, focus on a signature offer that showcases your unique skills and expertise. This can help you stand out from your competitors and attract clients who are specifically looking for what you have to offer.

Not only that but by refining your signature offer over time, you'll be able to continuously improve your processes and outcomes, making your business even more effective in the long run.

Secondly, I wish I had taken more time to work on my mindset. 

For so long, I thought I didn't have any mindset issues, but I realized I had some work to do when I was trying to grow my business. Investing in an intuitive coach back in 2021 was one of the best things I could have done for myself and my business.

One of the most important things you can do as a business owner is to invest in your own personal growth. This includes working on your mindset and beliefs, which can often hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Don’t be afraid to seek out a mindset coach, intuitive guide, or even a therapist who can help you identify and overcome any limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from achieving your goals. By doing this, you'll be able to develop a more positive and empowered mindset that will help you overcome challenges and move forward with confidence.

Lastly, I wish I had prioritized investing in one-on-one guidance. 

I was that person who did everything by herself. I would invest in courses and classes, and then dig in. Nothing is wrong with that, but once you get to a certain point, you're most likely going to need more than that. 

It wasn't until I invested in a high-ticket program that I really got to have a high-end client experience for myself. It not only inspired me in so many ways, and it also helped me realized that my client experience was already a “high-end client experience.” It wasn't until I began investing with my mentor that I realized that my pricing was too low and that I was going about pricing my services all wrong.

It's important to remember that you don't have to do everything alone. In fact, investing in yourself, and even seeing how others do things allows you to expand your mind around what’s possible for your business. 

As you grow your business and face new challenges, it's essential to seek out guidance and support from others who have been there before. Don’t be afraid to invest in consulting, coaching, or mentorship programs that can provide you with the guidance and insights you need to take your business to the next level. By doing this, you'll be able to learn from others' experiences, avoid common pitfalls, and gain the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed.

I want to encourage you to refine your offers, invest in your personal growth, and seek guidance from others who can help you succeed. These three things have been life-changing for me, and I hope they will be for you too. Keep pushing and stay focused on your goals, and success will follow!


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